DeadW8 Racing

Come Join Us

Young and upcoming team looking to take over the BMX World!

Welcome to DeadW8 Racing website

     Based in North East Florida, Deadw8 Racing is a BMX team that mentors the youth through participation in BMX race events. With a focus on fun, dynamic activities, we create an environment that allows kids to build healthy relationships, increase confidence, and learn new life-skills. We compete in the only sport where no kids ride the bench. There are classes for all ages and proficiency.

     We all have the capacity to do great things. We hope to shape the infinite potential that each child has. From the moment the gates come down and you blast out in a full sprint, the adrenaline introduces you to a new world that encourages you to explore the possibilities. Each student is able to enhance their leadership skills and sense of purpose. We enable each child to settle into themselves and support their unique youth development journey through a holistic approach.

     The program is maintained through generous contributions made by our sponsors and donors. Funds are utilized to sponsor youth and support their participation in an Olympic sport. The program welcomes people young and old from all beliefs and backgrounds. We empower them to create positive change in their community and to pave the way for the next generation.


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